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Meditation Stools have been discontinued. Mick is focusing on his nature workshops for schools, groups etc. and his bird survey work - we're really sorry to disappoint you 


“The Sui stool is so much more comfortable than trying to sit on a chair…much easier on my back….peace at last Thank you!”

Brian Moran, Dublin


A Suí stool is a physical slice of time. Tree rings in the beautiful Irish hardwood used to make them, acknowledge time. Handcrafted from something that was rooted deeply into the earth, yet reached for the sky, Suí stools give solid, comfortable physical support for meditation practice, and the deep sense of being grounded. When the body is at ease, and the spine aligned, energy and breath can flow freely. If you feel distracted, or a little ‘all over the place’, Suí stools can help you to find your roots, allowing you to settle effortlessly into the present moment, and settle into your practice. Each Suí stool is a unique Slice of Time.

Suí stool designs


Original design

Designed to foster correct spinal, physical and energetic alignment. The Suí stool bears most of the weight so there is no stress on the knees. The Suí Original stool sits at a fixed comfortable angle for the average-sized person. Sui stools have folding legs so they are perfect for travelling and easy to store, they are beautifully finished, to a very fine standard. The stool size is 42 cm x 14cm. The Original Suí stools are handcrafted using a variety of beautiful Irish hard-woods (may include Ash, Beech, Spalted Beech) depending on availability.

Note: If you are buying a Suí stool as a gift, we recommend that you choose the Original design.

Curved design

Designed to foster correct spinal, physical and energetic alignment. The stool bears most of the weight so there is no stress on the knees. The legs of the Suí Curved stool can be adjusted slightly to suit individual pelvic tilt. The difference in angle is achieved by the rounded base of the stool’s legs, the stool can be tilted slightly backwards or forwards to suit individual needs. Sui stools have folding legs so they are perfect for travelling and easy to store, they are beautifully finished to a very fine standard. The stool size is 42 cm x 14cm. The Curved Suí stools are handcrafted using a variety of beautiful Irish hard-woods (may include Ash, Beech, Spalted Beech) depending on availability.

Preparation for mindfulness sitting practice

It is important to sit comfortably for mindfulness and breath practices.



Suí Meditation/Yoga stools are designed to foster correct spinal, physical and energetic alignment. The stool bears most of the weight so there is no stress on the knees. The Suí Original stool sits at a comfortable angle for the average-sized person. The Suí Curved stool can be adjusted slightly to suit individual pelvic tilt.


Note: Suí stools can be customised if you require a specific height or angle to suits your needs.

Meditation or yoga sitting pose ideally needs to be what is called ‘alert yet relaxed’. The spine aligned, a natural curve in the lower back, shoulders at ease, chin inclined slightly towards the throat, and the chest and abdomen open, so that the breath, and energy can flow freely through the body. Suí stools offer an effortless way to settle into this comfortable, stable, relaxed posture.


The fact that you are sitting on a unique Slice of Time, something that has come from the depths of the earth, creates a genuine sense of being grounded, as soon as you sit.

How to use a Suí stool


  • Open the legs mindfully to their full expansion

  • Kneel on a yoga mat on the floor

  • Slide the Suí stool under your backside

  • The stool will bear most of the weight, so it will feel very comfortable and easy on the knees, there will be no weight at all on the ankles or feet.

  • The angle of the Suí stool facilitates a natural pelvic tilt, an aligned spine, and spaciousness at the front of the body, to allow the breath and energy to flow freely.

  • The Sui stool creates a solid foundation, so you feel supported, comfortable, grounded, and connected to the earth.

NB: Before you sit, the stool needs to be placed on a surface that has grip. A yoga mat works well.

Derval: Phone: 00 353 (0)87 288 8740  Email:

Mick: Phone: 00 353 (0)87 410 7277  Email:

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